

Oh, the weather outside is frightful … and your outdoor business signs are bearing the brunt of it! 

If you’ve invested time and money into designing and installing a sign, you want it to be functional and visible year-round. 

Unfortunately, high winds, low temperatures, and winter precipitation can take a harsh toll. 

However, by completing outdoor sign maintenance before Old Man Winter begins to do his worst, you can help prevent costly damage.

Invest In Weather-Resistant Signage 

Proper outdoor sign maintenance starts from the beginning, choosing signage materials that will last. Weather-resistant signage stands up to sun damage, rain, sleet, snow, and wear and tear from daily use. You can determine the quality and weather-readiness of electronic signs by ensuring they are UL-listed — something that’s unfortunately difficult to do when purchasing signage online. All UL-listed signs are built to adhere to predetermined specifications and safety standards.

Schedule Regular Outdoor Sign Maintenance

With your weatherproof signage installed, you can begin scheduling regular outdoor sign maintenance to keep it in good working order. Proper sign maintenance is a multi-step process that involves securing the area around the sign (particularly if it’s high up), accessing it, disassembling it, repairing/cleaning/inspecting it, and putting it all back together again. 

Many business owners rely on professional signage companies to handle their maintenance. Having the right equipment and the proper know-how can prevent ongoing issues from causing costly damage or becoming a fire hazard. It also frees owners up to do what they do best — running their business — rather than sitting atop a ladder for a portion of the day.

Do Wear and Tear Checks 

In between regular outdoor sign maintenance, business owners need to take the time to do regular checks to make sure their signage is functional and free of severe wear and tear. If you catch problems early, you can address them before they become an eyesore or affect your customers’ ability to make out your signage.

Typical wear and tear to watch for include dirty signage, damage and dullness caused by weather, and burned-out or broken lights. Lousy weather and gloomy conditions will only compound these problems, so if you notice them, it’s best to address them immediately, even if your next maintenance appointment is some time away.

Maximize Your Winter Visibility 

Spending more money to ensure your signs are adequately illuminated is always a good idea. The International Sign Association lists sign illumination as one of their top priorities for proper visibility. However, having a sign that lights up isn’t enough; wintertime creates a unique set of conditions that can make spotting your sign nearly impossible. 

Among the top tips to improve wintertime sign visibility is ensuring your sign is bright enough to be spotted even in inclement weather. That way, it will be a beacon that will beckon customers even amid a rain or snowstorm. When winter hours and the end of Daylight Savings wreaks havoc on the time the sun goes down, business owners need to adapt by ensuring that their lighting timers are set to come on in time for the earlier sunsets.  

Wintertime is hard on everyone who must be exposed to the elements — and your outdoor signs are no exception. By taking care of outdoor sign maintenance before the mercury starts to plummet, you can help mitigate the worst wintertime wear and tear … and keep your business signage shining brightly until next spring.