

Like most organizations, churches want to increase their membership, but they don’t always consider church signage a way to do it. New members mean more warmth, interaction, and funding to expand the organization’s ministry.

Many churches rely on word of mouth and current members inviting others to participate in a service. While this is a beautiful way to attract new worshipers, they often neglect one obvious way to bring new sheep into the flock: their church signage.

Old, outdated church signage can send the wrong message about your organization.  Signage that is poorly designed, not highly visible, or hard to read may not be noticed or give the incorrect impression about your organization. 

A practical, well-designed sign can make a huge difference in boosting your membership numbers. Many new members say that the sign was one of the initial factors attracting them to try out their new church. 

Church Signage as an Invitation to New Members 

All too often, church organizations assume that they’re well-established enough that people know about them, and when people finally become interested, they’ll stop in and attend a service. Unfortunately, that’s not usually the way it works. New members need to feel as though they’re being welcomed and invited into your fold. If they aren’t invited by a friend or family member who is already a congregation member, your sign can work as an invitation.

Use your sign to tell potential attendees everything they want to know about your church and organization. Church signage should communicate who you are and what you do. Let them know when your services are so they know when they can attend. Use warm, welcoming messaging to clarify that you’re happy to have new attendees stop in and say hello. 

Communication with Current Members 

New church signage can be used for more than just inviting new members; it’s also an excellent way to communicate with current congregation members. Your sign can inform members about upcoming fundraisers, charity events, or other special events. You can also use it to post attention-catching inspirational or humorous messages.

All of this communication doesn’t mean that someone is tasked with constantly going out and putting up/taking down letters from your church signage. With electronic message centers, communicating with your congregation or reaching out to new members is as easy as typing what you’d like to say into a computer. This signage makes it easy to change your messaging as often as you’d like.  

Ease of use isn’t the only reason to upgrade your old church signage into an electronic message center. With their LED displays and vibrant colors, this type of sign is incredibly visible to everyone who passes by. With its color and movement, an electronic message center is much more likely to catch the eye of passersby than traditional signage. You can display graphics, animations, and messages about everything you’d like people to know about your church organization and upcoming events. 

No matter what type of church signage you choose, make sure it stands out and conveys the mission and uniqueness of your organization. For some people, the message put forth by your sign is the only opportunity they’ll ever have to learn about your church. Something as seemingly unimportant as one glance at a sign could turn a complete stranger into a member of your congregation for life.

Brady Signs is a third-generation family business that’s been a premier provider of business signage solutions throughout the North Central Ohio region and beyond for over 50 years. Want to learn how we can convert your brand into a statement using our eye-catching signage for business? We’re here to talk.